We look forward to building upon the legacy and heritage of Muscat International School Est. 1989 now merging with the well-established and globally recognised Amity Education Group with exceptional International Curriculum Schools and University Campuses located worldwide. test
Muscat International School By Amity, is a welcoming, inspiring, creative, international school community for children aged 3 to 18. Our brand new campus with exceptional facilities offers each student a diverse and stimulating learning environment where they can benefit from a wide range of experiences. Our educational philosophy is centred on fostering a growth mindset and embedding a positive can-do attitude that ensures our students develop a long-lasting love of learning.
We follow the National Curriculum of England that is adapted to meet the needs of our international student community in Muscat. Our personalised approach, outstanding teachers and holistic learning opportunities nurture and challenge each child. We drive learning by building an environment that promotes confidence and supports risk-taking and exploration. Our value-based education model strives to develop responsible, adaptable and resourceful global citizens.
Sport plays an important role in our school community. Through sport, students develop cooperation and leadership skills, resilience, and positivity.
Read MoreEncouraging creativity, innovative thinking, and the capacity to challenge the existing paradigm are core components of our education provision and ethos.
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